Do the Americans and Canadians Hate Each Other THIS MUCH?

Ok, has anyone heard of sledge hockey? No worries, neither have I. Until yesterday. Apparently, sledge hockey is variation of ice hockey played by paraplegics. So basically, they use some sort of contraption to "skate" around the rink. Well, recently there was an international sledge hockey game between the USA and Canada. Now, I don't have to emphasize how big this game is in ANY level of ice hockey. You would think that a game such as sledge hockey played by paraplegics would be an example of sportsmanship and good-natured competition. Well, this video certainly puts that opinion to rest.

I have to hand it to the Americans though, they had a couple of good hits coming in at the 0:55 and 1:10 minute marks. USA!! USA !! USA!!!

Also, notice the way the referee pushes a Canadian player out of the way like a shopping cart at the 1:16 minute mark.

Where the heck do I get tickets?

Thanks to Puck Daddy for the video.

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